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Muay Thai Boxing

Updated: Feb 23, 2021



1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


Boxing has always fascinated me. When I was a kid and would watch movies such as Fast and Furious or Mission Impossible, I would always wonder what would it feel like to punch someone. Punching, kicking, and stunts were always something I wanted to try myself someday.

In my summer break of 2019, I had planned to spend my summer relaxing and doing nothing productive, however, staying at home and doing nothing was something my Indian parents were totally against and didn't approve of. So instead my dad decided to enroll me into Muay Thai boxing classes near my home without leaving me a choice but to attend the classes. I attended the classes from 4:30 to 5:30 pm every day of the month (expects Sundays).

In my whole life, I have never fought professionally (unless you would count my physical fights with my older brother), so boxing was a whole new experience for me. Initially, I was slightly insecure as I thought the instructors would judge me and that I would end up making a fool out of myself, however, I was completely wrong. My instructor, Jo, was very friendly and understanding. He taught me how to walk, how to punch, how to kick, and also a few traditional Muay Thai stunts.

Since I was unfamiliar with this sport, I ended up learning new skills and developed my strengths. Few things Muay Thai taught me are to be strong, always stay focused, and always stay attentive and alert at all times. Jo told me to always keep an eye on my opponent and their body moments. If his/her leg moves, block your legs. If you see their hands move, block your face.

Another thing I learned in my one-month boxing course, is the fact that boxing is something completely based on your emotion. If you are very stressed on a day, your punches and kicks are going to be harder and stronger that day, and if you're in a happy mode on a day then your punches and kicks are going to be soft and weak. This made me realize that boxing is much more effective when you are in a bad mood, which explains why people box when they need to release their anger or stress.

Since this was a month-long course, I would practice boxing every day and each day I would feel my kicks and punches getting stronger and harder. Though I would come back home feeling sore and red palms and feet, I think this physical training made me so much more stronger and confident.

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