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Designing Wells Stickers



1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.


I am a part of the Business Club in my school which encourages us to earn money and teaches us to manage our expenses and profit.

This year for our booth on International day, the leaders want us to divide into small groups to come up with ideas on what to sell on International Day. My group and I thought of coming up with our school-related stickers.

We thought of making a design each for the sports played in our school and design to represent our school’s mascot. Each of us picked a sport we wanted to make a design for and I volunteered to make designs for our mascot and a sticker for the basketball team in our school.

To make the designs I used the application Procreate. I took inspiration from online logos and came up with my designs. I made one logo for the mascot and one for basketball however I wasn’t so confident so I ended make multiple designs for both of them.

Once my team and I were done with our designs we put all of our designs in one presentation and shared them with the club’s leaders. Then they made a shortlist of all our designs that we could put on preorders in our International Day booth.

On International Day, we printed all our designs on an A4 paper so we could present them to people we would walk by our booth. On the day of International Day, we got a total of 30 orders.

After we had all the orders in, I went to the store which prints out stickers and I got all the orders printed. After all the orders were printed we all cut the stickers and distributed them to the respected customers.

The process of getting the sticker made was time-consuming and I did wait at the store for 3 hours but the final product was great and I was happy with all the profits we made.


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