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Graphics for Virtual Sports Day!

Updated: Feb 23, 2021


1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


Due to the unfortunate pandemic, we weren't able to have a physical sports day like we used to have in the previous year. But nevertheless, the student council arranged a virtual sports day instead. My brother, Yash, who was the student council president, asked me if I could make some graphics that they would use in the virtual sports day.

Making graphics, drawing digitally and anything with editing is my passion. I truly enjoy designing and editing so without a second thought I agreed to do it. He told me what types of graphics he needed and according to that, I started making the templates.

For the templates, I used photoshop & procreate. I used procreate to draw all of the cartoons and then I transferred them to photoshop CC, in which I added the necessary texts onto each template.

This process took me about 3 days with full dedication as I was short on time. I had to tweak the templates a couple of times after Yash gave me his feedback. The whole process was super fun and honestly, I enjoyed it so much! Making my contribution to the virtual sports day made me so happy as there was little to do in quarantine so the virtual sports day was a much-needed event for everyone.


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