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HDF Mercy Center

Updated: Feb 23, 2021



3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.


On November 21st, 2019, my mum, her friend, my brother, and I went to visit a school in the slums. We brought milk boxes, chocolate bars, and toys with us to give to the kids there in the center.

The school was located deep inside the lanes of the slums and so we had to walk through the small houses in the lanes to reach the center. As I was walking and looking around the area I felt gross and dirty and was slightly annoyed that I had to walk through such a filthy place. The house in the slums did not have any ACS, rats, and cockroaches were everywhere, and they did not have any hygiene or sanitation.

The moment we entered the center all the kids started screaming in joy and that made me forget about all my uncomfortableness from walking through the slums. The joy and smile on their faces were worth everything. They did not me, I did not know them but yet there were so happy to see me. We set the tables and arranged the food and the gifts. The kids formed a line and one by one we started giving them the gifts. My brother and I were in charge of distributing the snacks while my mum and her friend were in charge of giving the toys.

As I give milk and chocolate to the kids, I would look at their faces and they would smile so brightly. They were so happy in receiving milk and chocolate, something so normal, and that made me question myself when was the last time I received a box of milk and smiled so brightly? This made me realize how even the smallest things in life have values.

After we finished distributing the snacks and toys we took some pictures with the kids. This one kid who was so adorable came up to me to take a picture with me. He smiled so brightly and thanked me for the snacks. My heart swelled up with love. I receive snacks every day yet I don’t remember the last time I went up to my parents to thank them for providing me with food.

We said our goodbyes to the kids and started walking back to the main road. This time as I walked through the lanes I did not feel filthy, I did not feel gross, instead, I felt fortunate. Fortunate that my parents have given me a life where I don’t have to worry about my needs and wants. This trip was a major eye-opener for me, a reality check for me. My whole life I have lived now I have lived in luxury with all my needs and wants being fulfilled and often amid this luxurious life I am living, I often forget to be grateful for whatever I have and this trip made me realize that.

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