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Editing Our Song for International Day Performance



1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.


Editing, designing, and creating something new have always been an interest of mine. This year when my friends and I decided to perform on International day in our school we wanted our dance to be short but impactful so we decided to dance on a mashup of 3 Hindi songs.

I wouldn’t call myself a pro at editing however it is one thing I personally enjoy doing, so when the question came up of who was going to edit the music I gladly volunteered.

The process of editing the music wasn’t as difficult as it seemed as it wasn’t the first time I was editing audio. I used the application ”Audacity” which is very easy to use and easy to edit with.

First I download the songs we chose to dance on, opened audacity, arranged the songs in order of our choreography, and simply cut the extra bits in them. One task that I found difficult to do what merging the music rhythms together so the mashup would play smoothly. I overcame this challenge by exploring the tools provided in Audacity. As one song would come to an end I would decrease the volume of that song and increase the volume of the second song, this makes the transition between the songs smooth.

Overall I enjoyed editing the songs and creating this mashup. I had the audio approved by teammates and was glad that I had the opportunity to do something I genuinely enjoyed.

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