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digital art



1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.


I have always been a huge fan of Selena Gomez so over the October Break when boredom hit me I decided to make a cartoon portrait of her. 

To make the portrait I used the application called Procreate. Since I was completely new to the application I first tried to create a portrait without researching how to properly use the application and here’s how the artwork turned out to be.


I wasn’t proud of my first artwork so I decided to watch a video on how to use procreate on youtube. After watching that video I went ahead and tried creating another portrait. This time I was satisfied with how it turned out but was convinced of how it looked.



So for my third try, I found a video on youtube on how to draw a cartoon portrait on Procreate and I followed the steps showed in the video. The video was quite helpful as it showed me tools in procreate that I did not know it existed which is why my final work came out much better than the first two tries.


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