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Designing K9 Sticker

Updated: Dec 26, 2019



1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.


I am a part of K9 which is a club in my school that supports stray dogs in Bangkok. As events such as International Day, ServICE, and Animal Week came closer, the club suggested the member to come up with ideas and designs we can have from the club's merchandise.

As a person who enjoys editing and designing I decided to create a dog designed logo for the club. K9 represents dogs so I chose to draw a pug for the design with a bone that includes the name K9. For creating the design I used the application Procreate on my iPad.

First, I searched online for inspirations and ideas then I looked for reference pictures. After I found a reference picture that I liked, I went ahead and traced the dogs face. Then using the colour palettes provided in the application I filled in the colours of the dog. For the bone, I used the tool mirror drawing in Procreate so the bone would be symmetrical. I filled the color black in the bone and then added the K9 name on the bone.

After I was done with the designs I send them to my friends to some feedback and they said the pug looked sad, so I went back to Procreate and tried changing the expression of the pug. This was a challenge for me as I tried changing the mouth of the pug to a smiley face yet the pug still looked sad, I tried reducing the wrinkles on the pug’s face yet it still looked sad. Then after altering so many details of the pugs I realised that the eyes were the reason why it looked sad so I went and altered the eyes and that solved my problem.

Overall, the process of creating this design was super fun and I truly enjoyed making this design even though to was challenging.

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