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I have an aunt who is a graphic designer and looking at her portfolio I was amazed to see her work so I did a further investigation in that field and I liked the work style and pay of it. As an art student, I think having a career in the Arts would be amazing because it would be a job that I love. So in the summer break of 2019, I was talking to my parents about pursuing a career in Graphic Designing and they suggested that I do an internship in a company so I know what the work style would be like and based on that experience I may be able to have a more clear overview of this field. So my father asked his friend's son who has his own business of selling minimal jewelry if he would let be an intern in his office and he said yes!



Honestly, I haven't work much in doing graphics so I was definitely a little underprepared for this internship. However, I did have some prior knowledge of using software like Adobe Photoshop so that was definitely a benefit. One week before the internship I decide to do binge-watch multiple graphic design vlogs on youtube to prepare myself for this internship. I also downloaded Adobe Photoshop on my laptop and played around with it hoping to learn some new tools. 



In my internship, the owner of the company was directly in touch with me and was making sure I was busy throughout the day. My first assignment was to create a new logo for the company. I was a little unsure how I would be able to do this because I assumed the logos are usually made by hand digitally (on an iPad or pad) however because it was my first assignment and I did not want to give any excuses I simply took out a piece of paper and then started to roughly sketch some ideas on it. I think I came up with about 27 different styles of logos but the owner of the company sadly did not like any of them. He gave me some constructed feedback and asked me to merge 2 of my logo designs in one and show him the result. I made the logo again and this time he liked it so he gave me one of his office computers and opened up the application Adobe Illustrator and asked me to create my logo on that. This was a huge problem because I had never worked with Adobe Illustrator before and I did not want to give any excuses to the owner so instead in lunch break I went on youtube and watched videos on how to use adobe illustrator for beginners. After at least basic knowledge of the software, I started working on it. The owner would come and check on my work once in and while and would ask me to change a few details (like resizing a symbol or etc). Whenever a problem would arise I would hop onto YouTube write down my problem and watch a video to solve it. Every day I would be assigned a new job and that was one of the best parts about this internship as it allowed me to try multiple new things. My assignments would include making pendant designs on the software or creating thank you cards which would be attached to every customer's parcel.



1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

In a nutshell, this internship taught me a lot. It allowed me to be independent, professional and also taught me to not frown upon failure. While I made logos for the company, there were many designs that I personally thought looked good but the owner didn't like any of them. This allowed me to understand that failure isn't the end of anything, a matter of fact it gives space for self-growth. Initially, when my designs were rejected I felt really down that the work that I spend so many hours on was a waste of time, however when I went back home and thought about this situation with an open mind I motivated myself to make even more designs and make 100s of them till he doesn't approve of one. This is one skill of accepting failure is a great life lesson and would definitely help me in the future no matter what my career. The second skill was being professional. Even though I was unfamiliar with most of the software the owner had asked me to use, I never once gave him an excuse. I would always try to figure out things myself and get my work down. Another thing that allowed me to be professional was the timing of my internship. Most of the time, the owner and even the staff working there would come 30 minutes late to the office however never once was I late. This is definitely something that I learned from my father. Always be on time. From this internship, I have learned a lot. I have learned how to use different software and also understood how to manipulate tools in the software to work. These skills will definitely help me if I choose to pursue a career in Graphic Designing.



I have proof of all the work that I have done in the company, from psd files to ai files to pictures of all the designs I made from hand. Another proof that I would like to flex about is the logo I made. If you go to the website of the company I worked for, the logo I made for them is still there. It is minimalist and probably doesn't seem like I added enough effort in it but believe me when I say it took me a long time to create so many designs and then get it approved by the owner. 


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