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In my December breaks, my family decided to take a trip to my grandfather's home village. Near the village there was this huge mountain where my cousins and my mum went to take a hike! We started hiking at 4 am in the morning and reached the top of the mountain around 12 am. It was super tiring but the view of walking up the mountains with the sunrise was so worth it.

GARBA 2018

Every year in mid-October to mid-November, Indians who celebrate Navarati (traditional festival) come together for a dance event of Garba. Garba is a traditional dance originated from Gujrat, India. The dance event starts from 8 pm and lasts to 6 am in the morning. Everyone dances with full energy swaying to the beat of the music. My friends and I wait all year long for this event! Everyone dresses up in colourful traditional skirts and blouse which is then accessoried with authentic silver jewellery.

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